What Is Personal Injury?


auYmA41 - What Is Personal Injury?

Personal injuries refers to accidents that result in bodily or psychological injury and include damages such as medical costs, lost wages and pain and suffering.

To successfully pursue a personal injury lawsuit, you must show that the actions or inactions of another caused your harm. Most personal injury lawsuits hinge around negligence as their basis for claims.

Medical bills

Medical expenses can be one of the greatest costs associated with personal injury claims. Working with an attorney, you can determine the total of your medical bills and collect all supporting documentation to support them. In addition, your attorney can negotiate with your doctors and insurers in order to lower costs associated with care.

If health insurance or government programs such as Medicare or Medicaid covered any of your accident-related medical expenses, they have a right to reimbursement out of any settlement or judgment you receive – this process is called subrogation.

Although medical bills provide tangible proof of the financial costs incurred, pain and suffering are more difficult to quantify. Therefore, it’s essential that you hire a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as your advocate in your case – someone who understands the tactics hospitals employ when increasing fees such as confusing fee schedules and unnecessary procedures, then fighting to reduce or remove them altogether.

Lost wages

When suffering a personal injury due to someone else’s reckless or careless actions, the law allows you to recover some of your lost wages. Consulting with an attorney about filing a loss of wages claim may determine eligibility; lost wages cover all income you could have received from employers had they not been injured such as regular pay, commissions, overtime pay tips bonuses as well as sick days/vacation days that you would have used but weren’t able to use due to illness/injury and any unused vacation days or leaves that you had planned/used but without incident.

Recovering lost future earning capacity is also possible, though this requires more proof than simply past losses; medical records that estimate-with reasonable accuracy-how long your injuries will take to heal will need to be presented alongside testimony from coworkers, supervisors and medical professionals to support any claims of future earning capacity loss.

Pain and suffering

Pain and suffering is a central element of any personal injury case, as it encapsulates both emotional distress and physical impact of injuries sustained during an incident. Proving long-term effects is paramount; otherwise recovering compensation for pain and suffering could prove challenging.

Lawyers can use objective evidence such as medical bills and lost wages to assess the cost of your accident, while pain and suffering damages are more difficult to determine; ultimately a jury will make their determination based on personal experience as well as evidence provided.

Attorneys typically advise clients to collaborate with mental health professionals. Doing so can help document the effects of injuries on mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, while helping your attorney establish the link between your injuries and any ongoing distress you might be feeling. Having photos of injuries also makes it more difficult for an insurance company to deny or undervalue claims.


Injury victims can face mounting medical expenses and the inability to work due to an accident, which requires compensation for these damages and losses resulting from it. There are two main categories of compensation available: general and special. General damages refer to harms which cannot be assigned a monetary value, like pain and suffering and loss of amenity, while special losses include financial losses such as medical bills or lost wages that can easily be calculated.

Personal injury cases typically revolve around negligence. People owe it to others to act with reasonable care and precaution when engaging in certain activities, thus providing grounds for legal claims against negligent individuals.

Skilled attorneys can assist their clients in evaluating all categories of damages to arrive at an accurate case value that will allow victims to avoid underpayment or accepting low-ball settlement offers, as well as decide if it would be better to settle out-of-court or pursue trial.

July 23, 2023 |

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