Slip and Fall Accidents


A Slip and Fall accident occur when a person gets injured due to slipping and occur on either public private or government property. Slip and fall injuries can be caused by several factors like any other unfavorable condition considered dangerous, or even unsafe surfaces or conditions. It can also be caused due to the negligence or careless attitude of operators while they work. For instance, construction accidents and elevator-related accidents are the leading causes of slip-and-fall accidents. The leading causes of death in a slip-and-fall event are:

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The victim may sustain life-threatening injuries after sustaining a slip and fall accident. Some common injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents include head injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, fractured bones, broken teeth, spinal cord impingement, broken bones, back injury, fractures, whiplash injury, neck injury and even blindness. These injuries not only cause physical pain, but mental stress too, as they have a negative impact on a victim’s everyday life. To make matters worse, a court case can arise out of a slip and fall case.

A large number of employers provide slip and fall coverage to their employees, which is required by law. However, these policies are often not well understood and many employers fail to offer adequate compensation when employees slip and fall. This makes it difficult for employees to claim insurance benefits in the event of a slip and fall accident on public or private property. The lack of proper compensation guidelines makes the process of claiming insurance difficult for employees, who feel that they have fallen victims to the inefficiency of the employer. A recent survey showed that many business owners did not believe that their insurance policies provided adequate compensation for slip and fall accidents. Sixty-four percent of business owners said that they did not understand the coverage guidelines for slip and fall accidents, while only thirty-one percent believed their insurance policies covered their employees sufficiently.

Employers are required by law to include slip and fall accidents in their insurance plans. But these policies are frequently inadequate, and many employers fail to pay all of the medical and other expenses for their employees, when these accidents occur. When an employee has a slip and fall accident, the first step to take is to file a claim for compensation.

Many employers are aware of the importance of maintaining adequate compensation packages for workers who suffer injuries on the job. According to estimates, slip and fall accidents cost businesses about six hundred million dollars in legal and medical bills over a five-year period. Studies show that workers who receive workers’ compensation are much less likely to seek other medical treatments or to file a personal injury claim, which could increase their hospitalization costs and affect their future financial security.

If you have been injured on the job, you should immediately contact your employer and ask about workers compensation benefits. In most instances, the employer will require that you document your claim, file a report with your employer, and obtain medical bills from your doctor. Unfortunately, even when these attempts to protect you do succeed, the result is usually minimal. Instead of receiving the benefits, your case may be dismissed because your injury was not a “workers’ injury” as defined by your state’s labor laws.

The leading cause of workplace injury is slips and falls. But there are many more common types of work-related injuries that result in pain, suffering, loss of work time, and even depression among employees. Workplace stress and anxiety can also lead to slip and fall accidents, but there are more serious causes of stress than simply poor ergonomics. If you have suffered an injury on the job, you should talk to a qualified attorney experienced in Slip and Fall Law.

A slip and fall case, especially if it involves serious physical injury, can be very complex and time-consuming. You may have health insurance, but that will not help you if your employer does not provide any coverage. In most states, workers’ compensation benefits are only available if you can prove that the employer was at fault. This means proving that you sustained an actual physical accident at work, either through a slip or fall, a fall or related incident. Because you may have to fight to prove your case, hiring a skilled slip and fall lawyer is highly recommended. A skilled attorney can help you obtain the maximum recovery possible for your injuries and file your claim successfully.

April 11, 2021 |

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