How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help


New York law recognizes that when someone acts negligently and causes injury to another, New York law entitles the injured party to receive financial compensation known as damages.

Before speaking with any parties responsible or their insurance providers, always consult a personal injury attorney first. Your attorney will handle all communications and correspondence on your behalf and represent your best interests during negotiations and discussions with insurers or responsible parties.


Based on the nature of your injury, you could be eligible for compensation to cover medical bills and costs related to an accident as well as lost wages, future earnings loss, pain and suffering damages and emotional distress damages among other non-economic losses.

Your attorney will need evidence of expenses such as bills and receipts to support an economic damage claim, while in order to calculate future damages they’ll require physician reports detailing prognosis and treatment plans as well as economist projections of earnings loss projections and expert opinions regarding any permanent impairments.

Your attorney will review all evidence and prepare interrogatories (written questions for insurance carriers of negligent parties). They may also arrange depositions or interview sessions with defense counsel and conduct recorded interviews of them as necessary.

Medical Bills

As medical bills often make up a substantial part of personal injury compensation awards, their distribution can be complex. The party at fault in a personal injury suit does not usually have to cover ongoing treatment expenses but they may need to reimburse your health or auto insurer once your settlement has been awarded.

Skilled Brooklyn personal injury lawyers will handle all correspondence with insurers and ensure any outstanding bills are handled quickly and correctly, relieving you of stress while potentially saving money on medical lien costs. Future medical expenses may also be claimed under general compensatory damages in accident cases; these must directly relate to your original injury.

Lost Wages

After being involved in a personal injury accident, victims can find themselves missing out on wages they would have earned through work – potentially creating financial strain for themselves and their families. A skilled Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney will make sure any lost wage damages are included as part of your personal injury claim.

Loss of earnings claims are calculated by multiplying the days missed with your hourly rate, usually on an hourly basis. A lawyer will assist in gathering documents from your employer to support this claim, such as pay stubs and tax returns from them. Your attorney can also calculate future lost earnings potential using past earning history reduced to present value which requires expertise of forensic accountants for accurate calculation.

Time Off Work

Accident injuries can have serious repercussions for both individuals and companies alike, especially if a victim cannot work due to injury. An NYC personal injury attorney can assist victims in recovering lost wages, medical bills and expenses caused by negligent parties.

Law takes into account future and recurring medical costs when awarding damages, with particular consideration given if a victim suffered permanent injuries or disfigurements such as fractures, loss of pregnancy, paralysis or severe burns.

Slipping on an icy sidewalk, falling down stairs or being injured at a store can result in costly medical expenses and lost earnings – and an experienced NYC personal injury attorney can get the compensation due to you for these damages.

Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses can provide knowledge that would otherwise remain unavailable to judges or juries, helping you prove your case by interpreting medical or other pertinent evidence. They are generally highly-regarded professionals; unlike lay witnesses who testify about subjects outside their area of expertise but are generally assumed to be common knowledge.

Your personal injury attorney may advise employing expert witnesses when the subject matter is too complex for the average person to comprehend on his/her own, such as medical malpractice or car accidents cases. Examples of expert witnesses can include forensic specialists, medical practitioners and financial advisers – with forensics having expertise to reconstruct incidents to ascertain how they happened.

May 6, 2023 |

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